Challenger Brands: A Look Back, to Look Forward

Challenger Brands: A Look Back, to Look Forward

Challenger Brands: A Look Back, to Look Forward

Over the years, Seurat Group’s Challenger Brand studies identified many practices of winning Challenger Brands. However, one characteristic rises above the others among successful Challenger Brands, which is a relentless drive to delight the consumer. This is the secret sauce a challenger utilizes to develop and provide a unique and compelling value proposition to consumers. Today, we step back to highlight two brands from previous Challenger Brand studies that distinguished themselves by delighting consumers in ways overlooked by traditional brands. We see this process play out time and again as Challenger Brands are founded and flourish in categories where incumbents become disconnected from the needs of their consumers.

How did it all begin?

When Nuun was founded in 2004 consumer attention in the beverage category was increasingly turning to the prevalence of sugar in products. Athletes in particular craved solutions that hydrated them without excess sugar and additives, but were primarily faced with choosing between traditional branded options that combined hydration benefits with high calories. By identifying this consumer tension, Nuun created a new hydration solution separating “electrolyte replacement from carbohydrates.” While they were immediately accepted by hardcore athletes, Nuun was quick to realize this healthy hydrating beverage was something that a broader universe of consumers desired. We highlighted the steps they took in our 2016 Challenger Brand study as they used everyday ambassadors to drive growth by demonstrating that healthy hydration was available to everyone – not just athletes.

What unmet consumer needs has the brand continued to solve?

Targeting recovery & rest: Nuun has continued to solve health-conscious consumers’ needs within the hydration space. In February of 2019, Nuun launched Nuun Rest. Vishal Patel, Nuun’s senior head of R&D, framed the move as a new approach to recovery products saying that a lot are “protein based.” Nuun “wanted to take a different route and include some minerals that take you in a direction of more restful relaxation.” The brand was able to stand out as they zeroed in on specific product benefits their consumers were drawn to. Nuun continued this theme of distinct and purposeful product delivery in 2021 when they sought to expand into providing its users with clean, lasting energy with Nuun Energy. Unlike many incumbent products that were loaded with long ingredient lists and excess sugar, the brand looked to offer consumers an alternative that was non-GMO verified, vegan, gluten-free and kosher. These product expansions further differentiated the brand for their consumers.

Where are they now?

Nuun recently entered into an agreement to be acquired by Nestlé later this year. The brand is a major player in the healthy hydration space and is poised for additional growth due to their continued commitment to delight the modern consumer, consistent with their “challenger roots.”


How did it all begin?

For generations of consumers, chocolate has been a delicious indulgence. It’s something consumers love, but many struggle with the guilt that comes after partaking in a treat. The founders of Lily’s Sweets understood this basic tension well, and the brand was created on the premise that consumers should be able to enjoy delicious chocolate without a serving of guilt. Lily’s accomplished this and stood out from other brands in the category by giving consumers a delicious sweet treat without the sugar. In our 2019 Challenger Brand study, we highlighted Lily’s for their ability to carve out a unique competitive edge. They provide an indulgent and guilt-free chocolate experience all while operating within guidelines of fair-trade certifications and by using plant-based sugar substitutes.

What unmet consumer needs has the brand continued to solve?

Lily’s expands the sugar reduction movement: Founder Cynthia Tice has a clear brand strategy in mind that Lily’s is, “a leader in the sugar reduction movement, here to help limit your overall sugar intake while working to give you sweets you’ll obsess over.” COVID provided opportunities for the brand to delight consumers in new ways. As the pandemic caused the country to shut down, consumers were grazing and treating themselves at a higher rate. In fact, 46% of adults said they snacked more during the pandemic and the top driver of this was a desire for comfort. Lily’s capitalized on this trend and launched products to meet this elevated consumer need. In January of 2020, the brand launched milk chocolate caramel popcorn for those family movie nights amidst the lockdown. In June, they continued to innovate and target consumers who were increasingly baking at home, launching white chocolate and chocolate-caramel baking chips.

Where are they now?

Lily’s attention to consumer needs within the broader snacking category allowed them to branch into new occasions and reach new heights of success. The brand recently entered into an agreement to be acquired by The Hershey Company. The acquisition was an acknowledgement of Lily’s ability to delight the consumer, with Lily’s CEO Jane Miller noting that by “joining Hershey’s family of brands, Lily’s will become a platform confection brand making BFY options easily accessible to all consumers.”

By remaining relentlessly connected to the emerging needs of consumers in their categories, both Nuun and Lily’s highlight how Challenger Brands succeed and flourish when focused on that secret sauce. Do other brands come to mind that have done the same? We welcome conversation at [email protected].
What is Your Category Leadership Plan?

What is Your Category Leadership Plan?

What is Your Category Leadership Plan?

What has changed?

Retailers are seeking forward-looking, omni-channel insight and leadership from manufacturers to ensure they are anticipating trends and continually building category value. This means that the concept of category leadership has become democratized. No longer do you need to be ‘assigned’ category captaincy to be a valued go-to partner and ally. Being a valued partner does not rely on the size and scale of a manufacturer’s business alone.

Instead, brands of all sizes can influence omnichannel execution by leveraging a unique point of difference to drive value with consumers and unlock a win-win-win proposition (brand + retailer + shoppers). Even brands with 5% share can disrupt and earn the right to execute by leaning into their strengths and clearly articulating their joint value creation vision.

In this new democratized landscape, a new approach is required to ensure that category leadership is an integrated discipline within your total demand planning. Success depends on the manufacturer’s ability to bridge the disconnects between the current landscape and where the shopper is heading with a clearly articulated vision.

What is the new approach?
Winning commercial strategy links brand strategy to customer activation through the common language of consumer needs, starting with a proprietary view of the consumers’ definition of the ‘category’. Larger incumbents tend to define it defensively, while disruptive brands tend to view their markets through a forward-looking consumer-first lens. Having a clear, consumer-driven, and forward-looking category vision sets the organization on a course for advantage

Brands that execute category leadership successfully are not just transactional sellers attempting to negotiate terms that benefit themselves. Rather, they are allies who bring perspective on how brands and retailers can both invest and act to mutually move toward a better future state.

From Transactional to Ally
Where to Begin: 5 Value Levers

We have outlined 5 potential value levers that winning brands employ to build effective category leadership narratives with meaningful outcomes.

1. Unlock New Ways to Engage the Consumer

Brands emerge as allies when they authentically articulate who they win with, why they win, and how this translates to shared value with their retail partners. This could mean appealing to the next generation of consumers, to an under-developed or high value consumer demographic, or to owning a unique way to build consumer engagement and relationships.

The Honest Company appealed to digitally native, Next Generation moms who valued ingredients, style, convenience, and a connection to the brand’s values. Honest created intimacy with this valuable, growing segment of moms and built a portfolio that appealed to moms through their life-stages. They effectively communicated the value of their right to win with millennial moms to retailers, creating a proposition of joint value creation.

Result: CVS and Target gave Honest 8-foot shelf blocks, believing Honest could help them convert these important consumers in new, different ways, even as the brand also scaled on Amazon.

2. Reinvent Category Dimensions

Winning brands continually rethink the value dimensions of their category. Consumer-led innovation can create stronger connectivity with the end-users’ lives and create value for customers.

Even if your category is not as chic as Next-Gen baby care, it does not need to be boring!

Decades ago, the trash bag category focused on purely functional benefits (i.e., doesn’t break!). Glad identified significant consumer pain points, such as smell and sustainability, and expanded its line to include experiential products (scented) and sustainable products (biodegradable). This revolutionized the consumer’s view of the category and unlocked trade-up opportunities.

Result: Consumers latched onto the benefits; today, premium trash bags make up more than 70% of Glad sales. Glad maximized revenue capture and drove high-margin value for the retailers, who rewarded Glad with outsized shelf share.

3. Connect O20 (offline to online)

As more shopping migrates online, new insights around omni-shopper behaviors become increasingly vital to planning. Many shopper priorities (and difficulties) remain constant from offline to online in an omnichannel world: reaching prospective shoppers, driving conversion, and building baskets.

While winning conversion in-store has been a key imperative for years, Unilever identified cart abandonment as a key pain point for retailers and manufacturers in the Personal Care space online and devised a plan to address that unmet need.

Result: Leveraging ecommerce data, Unilever brought targeted strategies to help retailer partners smartly invest in digital media, drive larger baskets, and optimize the shopping experience for consumers.

4. Spark Shopping Excitement

Retailers look to brands to help drive traffic and engagement both online and offline. Brands that leverage their unique point of difference to create memorable, buzzworthy experiences can win outsized influence and achieve their executional priorities.

Sumo Citrus, a branded seasonal citrus varietal, has a limited window to drive volume and revenue capture for retailers.

Leveraging this scarcity mindset, they have invested behind the programs, displays, in-store support and training to create in-store theatre with dramatic, towering displays. Stores that meet certain executional criteria are eligible for their premium product for a longer season and Sumo delivers the buzzworthy displays.

Result: This alliance creates value for the consumer through a fun, shareable shopping experience; for Sumo, with a significant footprint and social media buzz; and for the retailer, through foot traffic and trade-up to a high-margin citrus product.

5. Champion Education

When a category has a high education threshold, retailers look to brands to help partner in communicating the category role and engaging the shopper.

Leverage credibility as a trusted expert and source of information to add value to consumers’ lives beyond high quality products. This can also bring value to the retailer beyond traditional demand generation to create further influence.

The Clorox Company leveraged their storied history of scientific expertise and leadership in the disinfection space to empower retailer partners to educate consumers around personal safety and hygiene during—and emerging out of—the global pandemic.

Result: Clorox was able to authentically aid their retailer partners with a growth vision that elevated value by providing information and education that inspired consumer confidence in their changing cleaning habits and choices. This unlocked value through retailer acceptance of omni-channel shopper programs and increased Clorox’s ability to influence the future planning of cleaning and disinfection categories around the globe.

Brands that effectively communicate their role in creating category and shopper value based on a forward-looking vision are positioned to win with retailers and, importantly, the next generation of consumers. Category leadership is up for grabs, and not just for the big players, but winning requires mapping a category vision to the entire demand plan to enable choiceful and synchronized decision making.

We welcome a discussion about what your brand’s category leadership could look like!

To discuss any of these ideas further, please contact us at [email protected].

Winning Omnichannel in the Next Normal

Winning Omnichannel in the Next Normal

Winning Omnichannel in the Next Normal

Does your organization have a strategy to gain share in an omnichannel environment turned upside-down by COVID-19?

A significant shift occurred in the consumer packaged goods industry over the past few years as leading organizations adopted an omnichannel approach to consumer demand generation and selling. These companies moved away from a siloed, ‘push’ approach to mass marketing and acknowledged the realities of a complex consumer / shopper journey along with the need to make brand connections in a more relevant, meaningful way. Those that made the shift realized significant growth as the majority of industry growth shifted to sources outside the traditional brick and mortar world.

COVID-19 heightened the importance of taking an omnichannel view as consumer points of influence and purchase rapidly shift. It also revealed the need to re-visit what we mean by the term omnichannel, given three new realities:

1. Omnichannel is bigger than we thought
2. Consumer / shopper journeys are dynamic and rapidly changing
3. Last year’s playbook no longer applies

Omnichannel is bigger than we thought

Do you know where your core consumer personas are making brand decisions and shopping? That question is increasingly difficult to answer, as the majority of CPG spending now falls outside of ‘traditional’ sources tracked by syndicated data.

Both brands and retailers now compete against a broader set of options that threaten to supplant their offerings with more compelling value propositions. A broader framing also makes it increasingly difficult to influence consumers as they move along the purchase journey.

Example: Functional Water

Brands and retailers must recognize that consumers do not think in terms of ‘channels.’ The imperative is to conduct regular, far-reaching assessments of where and how consumer personas are fulfilling their needs—or risk losing market share to unseen or untracked competitors.

Consumer/shopper journeys are dynamic and rapidly changing

Consumers are changing more quickly than ever. Gone are the days when brand owners and retailers could comfortably develop annual plans followed by a period focused on execution. The disruption and changes ushered in by COVID provide an important lesson on the need to adapt quickly.

While COVID is clearly disruptive, brands and retailers need to be vigilant and agile at all times. For example, the Pet category experienced tremendous change when and Amazon provided a much more compelling total value equation for pet parents that caught many brands and retailers flat-footed.

Brand owners and retailers need to efficiently focus resources on consumers that represent a disproportionate share of business. But rapidly changing consumer behaviors reinforce the need to also deploy forward-looking insights to identify future sources of growth or disruption, and proactively nurture these spaces before competition arises. This requires brands to develop rapid “test and learn” capabilities to create conviction and action new learning. Otherwise, business owners find themselves chasing new sources of demand and struggling to close a widening gap.

Last year’s playbook no longer applies

In this fluid landscape, it is increasingly challenging for brands and retailers to stay visible and trigger connections at the right time. In the Next Normal, brands can no longer be passive influencers of the experience at the shelf or rely on basic ecommerce search.

Example: Impulse triggers have shifted

The need to connect with consumers at the right time, in the right way, with the right message is even more important given that only 8% of today’s consumers consider themselves brand loyalists, and are highly willing to switch brands or retailers when they see a better offer.

It is critical to understand the relationship between your brand offer and your consumer’s lifestyle. Leading brand owners and retailers are using forward-looking journey insights to map where and how to best sway consumers through brand messages and value added experiences.

How to drive change

Brand owners and retailers need to take action now to ensure they are equipped to win in the Next Normal and beyond. As we’ve seen, the only constant is change: the CPG industry has changed as much over the past three months as in the prior ten years. Four key steps are recommended to configure for an omnichannel Next Normal. Each step is illustrated based on a case example from a leading personal care company that successfully unlocked new pathways to omnichannel growth.

Seurat Group is an insights-driven consumer packaged goods consulting and private equity firm whose mission is to delight consumers. We create for our clients the clarity to act & invest in a better future.

Reach out at [email protected] for additional thoughts on building a consumer/shopper insight foundation and omnichannel growth strategy for the Next Normal and beyond.

Moving from Respond to Reimagine: Leading Customer Engagement in the Next Normal

Moving from Respond to Reimagine: Leading Customer Engagement in the Next Normal

Moving from Respond to Reimagine: Leading Customer Engagement in the Next Normal

Radical Change in Retail



The pace of change among incumbent retailers in the consumer goods industry has historically been painfully slow. Despite many aisle reinvention projects, ‘stores of the future,’ in-store theatre, and shopper marketing programs, executional change has been measured in small increments: one additional facing, one incremental display, one shelf added to a category, or one more household adopting click and collect.

COVID-19 has clearly changed this dynamic. Retailers had to quickly respond to shopper behavior disruption and manufacturer supply realities with significant changes in-store, online and in fulfillment. Whole departments, such as Deli, were upended to address health and safety concerns with prepared foods, while store layouts were shifted to manage shopper flow and distancing requirements. Space and inventory holding power were quickly re-wired to meet radical shifts in demand overall and for specific products (e.g., paper and cleaning products), as well as ramp up for different fulfilment models such as click and collect.

Many manufacturers and retailers benefitted from these rapid changes, particularly shifts in consumption back to the home, consolidation of shopping trips, and re-prioritization of consumer needs that spiked demand for safe, convenient, and high-value brands and products.

We are quickly moving past the respond phase and do not believe the recent past provides a complete picture of the future.

The COVID-19 accelerant is now ushering in an unprecedented reimagine phase across the retail landscape, bringing changes within the next six to twelve months that historically would take five to ten years to develop. This presents both massive opportunity and risk for manufacturers. Shifts in consumption and shopping behaviors will drive continued change at retail and elevate the importance of influencing shopping behavior across an evolving, complex purchase journey.

More than ever, manufacturers need to be proactive to create customer planning engagement or risk having outcomes determined for them. Winners will influence customer planning conversations by using new insights to reimagine the category vision, growth drivers and brand roles. Our ongoing dialogue with consumers, shoppers, and retailers reveals four key areas of focus to reimagine the growth vision for each category:


Implication: In the face of renewed foodservice consumption, trading partners must identify ways to bolster the retail/at-home offer. Each category and brand must continually evolve their offer and value equation to maintain share-of-stomach gains from the respond stage.

For example, Deli is critical to meet demand for fresh, convenient, and great-tasting foods, but must shift from open, self-serve bars to a safer packaged assortment to compete with away-from-home options.


Implication: Re-orient category growth drivers and brand roles to address evolving consumer and shopper needs. Manufacturers need deep insight into why consumers are changing behaviors to identify what will ‘stick’ during the reimagine phase and how to deliver value to different tiers within a category.

Brands that played premium roles will need to demonstrate how they address a broader demand landscape and meet the needs of consumers making changes due to financial impacts of COVID shutdowns.


Implication: As shoppers make more planned trips, brands must be top-of-mind, prioritizing physical availability and visibility both in-store and online. Manufacturers need to build omni-channel shelving guidelines and partner with retailers to influence category strategy at shelf (share of space, brand blocks, shelf position) and online to both influence and deliver on demand. This requires factoring in holding power and optimal mix to meet the needs of a range of fulfillment options and incorporating strategies to influence shoppers at the point of purchase.

For example, as online sales in the Vitamins, Minerals, and Supplements category grew 15% vs. last year, manufacturers like Olly are helping retailers like Target use their .com business to compete for sales against a proliferation of direct-to-consumer players. In parallel, manufacturers are leveraging their growth online to ensure right availability, holding power, and brand blocks in-store to support other fulfillment models.


Implication: Provide a seamless omnichannel shopping experience for those who are interacting with retailers and brands across more touchpoints. Retailers need to provide operating models that delight and deliver on shopper demands before expanding service offerings. Manufacturers need to apply new insight through the various paths to purchase and identify implications for driving demand at the point of purchase to plan with retailers.

Follow the lead of manufacturers who are already providing visibility to total omni behavior to develop optimal online programs and physical retail recommendations that reflect online needs and in-store fulfillment.

Reimagining the Next Normal of Customer Planning

Winning manufacturers have a vision for creating category value grounded in a new insight foundation, using a forward-looking lens to understand where shopper behavior and decision criteria are headed.

Value comes from translating this insight into a category vision program that reimagines solutions for the four aspects outlined above and is communicated through a persuasive selling narrative that can be adapted to key customers and channels.

Seurat recommends the framework below to create the vision, narrative, and program to increase customer engagement during this pivotal window of shopper and retailer change.




Reach out to the Seurat Group at [email protected] for additional thoughts on building an insight foundation and category vision to capture long-term growth through the reimagine phase and beyond.

Future of Omni-Channel Planning

Future of Omni-Channel Planning

Future of Omni-Channel Planning

Future of Omni-Channel Planning

The End of Channel Management

Grouping similar retail customers into “channels” to organize go-to market efforts has been a hallmark of the CPG industry. This organizing construct exists because it has enabled more scalable, efficient and effective routes to reach consumer markets. The channel model was built on the premise that shoppers exhibited similar trip behavior within a retail format, thereby enabling manufacturers to use that medium to capture shopper value. This gave rise to organizations with teams and planning cycles structured around Grocery, Mass, Club, Drug, Dollar and more recently, Ecommerce.

While shoppers still think about outlets to fulfill trips, the availability of offers has blurred and people are shopping across more outlets than ever. Evidence that shoppers think less in terms of outlet is present everywhere you turn. Take, for example, Google Express, an online

platform that aggregates products available to be delivered based on your location. A search for “pea crisps” in our neighborhood returned above-the-fold results from Target, Walmart, Costco,, Fairway and Whole Foods Market – each featuring a product image, price, rating and convenient “Add to Cart” button. With 98% of US adults with internet access going online at least daily, and three-quarters using a smartphone, opportunities abound for shoppers to pick up their device the instant a need arises and receive instant gratification, whether through a nearby store, an online merchant or a third-party delivery service. With the rise of voice-activated search, social shopping solutions and text shopping enablement, this trend will only accelerate. The channel construct no longer reflects how shoppers fulfill CPG needs, creating an unsustainable tension between how shoppers behave and how companies go to market.

Traditional CPG go-to market model

Traditional CPG go-to market model elevates channel as an organizing construct

Media Transformation Highlights the Path Forward

Consider the transformation the media industry has seen in the last half century. Long gone are the days when brand managers could build a media plan by placing percentages of their budget across TV, print and radio mediums. Today, the integrated communications planning process (ICP) starts with a robust understanding and targeting of the end user, telescopes out to map the total consumer journey, and finally identifies where in the fragmented media landscape to invest to reach those end users.

In line with the media transformation, customer channel as an organizing construct must also transform for manufacturers to win with consumers in today’s environment. Rather than start the go-to market

process through established channel management and customer segmentation schemes, manufacturers must reorient their total demand planning to build relationships directly with shoppers who shop anywhere and anytime on their own terms.

Consider this in light of how most manufacturers go to market today. Despite their best efforts to implement omni-channel planning, most organizations are still woefully siloed, filtering staffing, budgeting, planning and marketing activation decisions through the lens of customer segmentation models that are misaligned with where consumers are fulfilling their CPG needs.

Being Consumer-First

What’s a company to do? In short, follow the consumer through the full consumer-shopper journey. This is not to say the future is all about direct to consumer. Rather, the imperative is be consumer first – then determine how to build and segment capabilities to reach target consumers, working effectively with customer partners (or DTC) across the demand landscape. Through our research and experience, we’ve identified three distinct behaviors to help organizations transform.

Map insights across the consumer journey.

The best products today are doomed to fail without a strong understanding of the end-to-end consumer journey and ability to insert the right messages at the ideal touchpoints. Consider a successful challenger brand that in addition to identifying a white space in a category, is able to use it’s understanding of the consumer’s journey and the “job to be done” at each inflection point (e.g., finding recipe inspiration, planning a social gathering, stocking the pantry) to build go-to market plans without struggling to force fit its planning into a legacy customer session. The most successful brands are ones that not only uncover powerful consumer insights but also map the end-to-end journey and invest at the right inflection points. This enables go-to-market decisions to be made through the lens of the consumer, rather than a default channel structure.

Omnichannel Consumer Journey: Illuminates triggers & barriers across the shopper journey, which is no longer linear

Integrate total demand planning.

Integrated Communications Planning and traditional “customer planning” must evolve from being compartmentalized and department-driven to a cohesive, coordinated, cross-functional capability. The goal is to apply a common view of the consumer journey that connects all relevant mediums and packages decisions about how to reach, educate and influence purchase into a truly integrated demand plan.

By being hyper-focused on demand moments and mediums in concert, manufacturers can develop more effective tactics. Proctor & Gamble recently launched a highly compact, concentrated Tide liquid detergent to meet the underserved needs of urban shoppers living in tight spaces. Priced the same as its ubiquitous 96-load jug, the so-called “Eco-Box” is about the size of a shoebox and weighs less than eight pounds. Most notably, the product is sold exclusively through online retailers like Amazon, and , where its carless city-dwelling shoppers are already turning to stock up on groceries and household goods. This type of innovation is more easily facilitated when go-to-market strategy is dictated not by an antiquated customer segmentation but by a rich understanding of the consumer and her journey.

Rethink your customer segmentation.

A large manufacturer recently conducted a study on where, how and why shoppers fulfill CPG needs online. What’s striking about the research is not what it uncovered about barriers to buying perishable items or openness to impulse purchases – valuable content in its own right – but rather the implications for the company’s customer segmentation.

As part of the study, the team looked at how shoppers engage with various fulfillment models (e.g., 2-day shipping, same-day delivery, buy online and pick up in-store). At first the team found a messy and fragmented landscape, with different groups of shoppers making different types of trips across a broad set of online and offline retailers. However, looking at shoppers based on how they fulfill unlocked a whole new way to think about customer as an organizing construct. Through the lens of fulfillment, the team conceived a new shopper segmentation that could be overlaid with customer segmentation. For example, the study found that high-value shoppers frequently used “click & collect” to bridge online and offline behavior. With that insight, the company could prioritize customers offering an omni-channel experience and rethink how it organized resources to service those customers.

The pathway to rethinking customer segmentation can lead to being able to prioritize differently. An example is RXBAR’s first sales call wasn’t to Whole Foods or the nearest health store but rather to the founder’s own CrossFit community – which became the company’s exclusive channel. Only after four years did they open the doors to mainstream channels, starting with Trader Joe’s, based on their understanding of the target consumer’s journey.

New go-to market model starts with the consumer journey for integrated demand planning with customers

Conclusion: Future of Omni-channel Planning

While upending the way companies have organized and created go-to-market strategies for decades can feel like a daunting task, fortune favors the bold. Tomorrow’s successful CPG firms will be those that are truly consumer first. As a starting point, here is what we recommend:

  1. Map a strong insight foundation across your consumer shopper journey
  2. Build an integrated approach to total demand planning that integrates consumer touchpoints with customer needs, strengths, and strategies
  3. Adapt customer segmentation to facilitate integrated communication planning and ultimately yield stronger, more cohesive business plans

To discuss how we can help you rethink your consumer journey, demand planning or customer segmentation, contact us at [email protected].



1 “The Rise of the Empowered Customer.” Forrester, 2017

2 “P&G introduces new concentrated Tide box for e-commerce only.” Cincinnati Enquirer. Nov 2018